Groundgame | BJJ Online Instruction |Video Downloads


Groundgame provides FREE Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu online instructional content. We also offer premium BJJ instructional content that you can download directly into your devices like your phone, Ipad, computer etc.

We are a relatively new company. Our mission is to find the best quality BJJ athletes, instructors, techniques & training methodologies and bring them to you. We will explore how Brazilian athletes really train and what secret moves and details they hold back from teaching only their best students.

Groundgame overdelivers by giving away FREE BJJ video and content. Just get on our email list and you’ll instantly receive videos from BJJ World Champions like Denilson Pimenta from the acclaimed GFT academy in Brazil.

Our first official BJJ product launch is scheduled for January 2015. Our first customers are going to get amazing stuff. We can’t tell you the details right now but we promise your going to be very happy.

DVDs are going the way of the Dinosaur

Companies like Apple and Adobe are retracting their support for DVDs and DVD related products. Apple has been offering computer laptops without DVD players for more than a year now. In fact the computer I’m typing on right now is one of them. Apple and Adobe are discontinuing support for many of their DVD related products. Why might you ask!

The new technological error is the CLOUD. The cloud is a virtual place to store your electronic media. It’s a place where you will have access to your pictures, videos, programs etc from any device you own and from anywhere in the world. It is the future whether we like it or not. If your not on the CLOUD you better get moving because it’s coming and just like everything else, you bet that companies raise their rates and charge us for the amount of data storage we use. Currently there are some companies that give unlimited storage at a fixed rate (e.g. justcloud).

Groundgame is planning to offer DVD products but we will also offer our products for online download. We will offer downloadable content at a discount but for those of you that still want that DVD it will be available. Beware the day that you have to move all of your DVDS to your next house or that DVD you thought was good is scratched. Even worse, what if you can’t find a DVD player! I still own VHS tapes and I still have one VHS player for them. I don’t know if it works and I haven’t looked at a VHS tape for 4 years now.

Make sure you get onto our email list by visiting our main web page at Groundgame.Training for lots of cool BJJ Instructional videos and awesome content.