Author Archives: Gary Berger

Rodolfo Viera BJJ Training Camp
Rodolfo Viera is coming to Baltimore Martial Arts Saturday August 15th!! Click Here for more info This special event is going to be a 4-5 hour training camp where Rodolfo is going to tweak and refine the details of your game and see what little areas you are making mistakes. This event to 50 participants…

Roli Delgado’s Straight Ankle Lock Arsenal – Now Available for Download
Roli Delgado’s Straight Ankle Lock Arsenal download is now available. For only $19 you get 11 high percentage leg locks from the teacher of World Champions like Marcus Almeida Buchecha, Rodolfo Viera, Rodrigo Cavaca, Cyborg Abreu plus 17 Bonus Instructional Videos of Denilson Pimenta – 3X World Champion from GFTeam Brazil! CLICK HERE TO WATCH…

Best Takedown vs a Big Opponent
Here is a great takedown to use against a big opponent in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In Judo, the terminology the takedown is called Ko-Soto-Gake. This takedown can lead to a nice kneebar as well.

Eddie Bravo Armbar from Rubber Guard
Eddie Bravo is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu genius. His method of fighting, “The Rubber Guard” is worthy of being called a style in it’s own right. Traditionalists like Royler Gracie have had a very difficult time dealing with Eddie Bravo’s rubber guard. See Joe Rogan’s interview with Eddie Bravo and breakdown of Metamoris 3 Royler Gracie…
Groundgame | BJJ Online Instruction |Video Downloads
Groundgame provides FREE Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu online instructional content. We also offer premium BJJ instructional content that you can download directly into your devices like your phone, Ipad, computer etc. We are a relatively new company. Our mission is to find the best quality BJJ athletes, instructors, techniques & training methodologies and bring them to you.…